iWalk Cornwall - Help us

Some ways you can help us

By using our app

  • If you haven't tried our app yet, give it a try.
  • If you have, please leave us a review in the App Store or Google Play (More Options > Leave App review in the app): the number of reviews and average rating affects our position in the App Store rankings.

Spreading the word

We've put together some overviews for different audiences which can either be printed out or emailed to let other people know what iWalk Cornwall is all about.

On social media

  • Like our page on Facebook and follow us on twitter
  • Share our posts on facebook as this causes facebook to deliver the post to more followers of our page (as not all get it by default) as well as the people you share it to.
  • Retweet us on twitter. If you're a business or organisation in Cornwall, you can make the most of our posts by quoting our tweets and adding something of your own (e.g. advertising that your business is along the route of the walk).
  • Tell your friends about us and get them involved too.

Let your visitors know about us

  • Link to us if you have a website (we'll link to you in return).
  • If you have holiday accommodation, print our walk menus for your information folders.
  • Print out and put up our poster (in locations where you have permission).

Spotting and feeding back any route changes

On your walks, feed back any footpath changes affecting the directions (for example, stiles being replaced by kissing gates) or footpath issues. If you're using the app you can use the actions menu on the direction screen.